Cross Wind UMC Believe Grow Go Logansport IN

Welcome!  Cross~Wind United Methodist Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  That means all people are welcome here as we learn to follow Jesus together by claiming our faith, growing deeper in our spirituality, and going outside the walls of the church to make a meaningful difference in the world.

All are welcomed here at Cross~Wind UMC there are opportunities for everyone. There is no need to be perfect or even put together.  Jesus welcomes us just as we are, and so does Cross~Wind.  I hope to see you soon.

Pastor Tim

  • There is parking in front of the church and on both sides of the building. A large paved parking lot on one side and a gravel parking lot on the other. While there are doors on all sides of the building we currently only have the door in front of the building open.

  • When you come through the double front doors you will be greeted and even have the doors opened and held for you. They will also give you a weekly bulletin which includes the days service and the coming weeks events.

    In the front lobby you can get a cup of coffee and a cookie. Find your name tag if you have requested one. Check out what’s happening at the welcome center, get the WIFI password, and pick up a newsletter or scripture of the month sheet. There is comfortable seating in the front lobby.

    Washrooms are located to the right as you enter through the front doors.

  • If you continue to walk straight from the front doors you will find yourself in the sanctuary. Seating here isn’t the traditional pew we have padded chairs. If you would like help finding a seat an usher would be happy to help you.

    If you need a hearing device they are located to the left and right of the sanctuary main doors. An usher can help you get it all setup.

    You can also find hymnals to the left and right of the main doors. We do project the words to the large screen but for those of us who like to sing parts hymnals are also available.

    You can dress up or dress casual for either service.

    To view past services for both worship times click here

  • The 8:30 AM worship service is more traditional. With piano or organ music and traditional hymns and readings.

    The 10:50 worship service doesn’t use the piano or organ. It’s not contemporary and it’s not traditional it’s somewhere in-between. There is a praise team that leads the music using keyboards, guitar & drums. The songs tend to be more what you would hear on K-Love.

    The sermon and scripture readings are the same for both services.

    Both services are live-streamed on FB and YouTube.

  • Communion happens the first week of each month during both services and all are welcome.

    There are also special communions done at different times of the liturgical year.

  • Children are always welcome in worship. We also have a Children’s Ministry at the 10:50 am service for children Kindergarten - fifth grade. You can bring your children to the Think Orange room. When you first come in the front doors it is the last door down the hallway to your left. You sign your kiddios in and the teacher there will walk you through what they do and answer any questions you have.

    We also offer child care for younger children. When you first come in the front doors it is the second to last door down the hallway to your left. The caregivers there will have you sign in and will walk you through what to do and answer any questions you may have.

    On communion Sunday’s we do not offer either. This allows you and your children to be together.

    We also have a room with a window into the sanctuary located in the back. If you or your child needs to have a break but you still want to be able to see and hear the service we welcome you to take the time you need.

    To learn more about the Think Orange program click here

  • Youth group meets every Sunday at noon here at the church.

    They often get together for special events such as concerts or mission work.

    Confirmation classes happen during the year. You’ll want to check with our Youth Director, or the pastor for the next start date.

  • Adult Bible studies happen on Tuesday morning and women’s bible study that meets Tuesday nights. Wednesday afternoon and evenings offer bible studies for a mixed group (men and women) .

    If your interested in singing or playing a musical instrument then the choir or praise team might be for you.

    The choir meets at 6:15 PM Thursday nights in the choir room.

    The praise team meets Thursday nights at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary.

    To find out more about groups click here

    To check out the calendar click here